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How does the immune system fight back?

The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. The Zika virus directly invades brain cells and evades the immune system. The immune cells are known as CD4+T cells prevent the virus from reaching your brain and spinal cord.  Just like how The Avengers and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D protect invaders from harming people.

Type 1 Interferon is the first line of defense against invading pathogens just like pawns in a chess game protecting the king. Zika virus is successful in evading IFN by rigging the signal of IFN thereby preventing cascading responses. The proteins in the Zika virus that inhibit IFN are NS1, NS4B, and NS2B3. By suppressing the antiviral immune response, Zika continues to invade the host's cells.

It does not produce a fever to kill the pathogen. You can not cough or sneeze the pathogen out. Zika does not encounter hydrochloric acid. The count for white blood cells increases. 

Immune Response: About
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